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Victorville, CA 92392

Welcome to the MAJOR (Feast days) OF YISRAEL

Major Fall Feast:
Rosh Hashanah plus 10 days of Awe
Yom Kippur

Minor Fall Feast:
Shemini Atzeret
Simchat Torah
Tu B'Shevah

Major Spring Feast:
Passover and The Counting of the Omer
Unleavened Bread
First Fruit

Minor Spring Feast:
Tisha B'Av

Rosh HaShanah (5785)

Service and Prayer Guidance

Praise YAHWEH for allowing us to reach a new year – 5785! The ARK of YAHWEH is grateful that you are choosing to celebrate a sweet new year with us. Below you will find information to help you have a blessed Rosh Hashanah along with our congregation, your family, and of course, Father YAHWEH through His son YAHSHUA.
All of us at the ARK of YAHWEH are sending you our love and prayers for a “Ketivah v’chatima tovah” “A good inscription and sealing [in the Book of Life].”


Important dates and times (note, all times listed are PST)

Start and end time of Rosh Hashanah 5785 (2024)

Starts at sundown on Wednesday, October 2 and ends at sundown on Friday, October 4, 2024. It is a total of two days.

Rosh HaShanah Erev Service will take place on Wednesday, October 7 after 7:30pm. This will be a virtual service on the YAHWEH YBN YouTube channel.  

Day 1: Rosh Hashanah (morning) Prayers and Praise

Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 6:15am.

You may join us virtually or in person at the ARK of YAHWEH.

Day 1: Rosh Hashanah Shofar Blowing 

Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 7:15am.

You may join us virtually or in person at the ARK of YAHWEH.

Day 1: Rosh Hashanah Service

Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 10:30pm.

You may join us virtually or in person at the ARK of YAHWEH.

Day 1: Rosh Hashanah Minchah (afternoon) Service and Prayers

Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 3:30pm.

You may join us virtually or in person at the ARK of YAHWEH.


Day 2: Rosh Hashanah Shofar Blowing 

Friday, October 4, 2024 at 7:15am.

You may join us virtually.

Day 2:  Shacharit (morning) Service Prayers and Praise

Friday, October 4, 2024, at 11:30am.

You may join us virtually or in person at the ARK of YAHWEH.

Day 2: Afternoon Part 1- Rosh Hashanah Service, Selichot and Minchah (afternoon) Service 

Friday, October 4, 2024, at 2:30pm.

You may join us virtually or in person for the Afternoon Part 1 service.

Day 2: Afternoon Part 2: Tashlich Ceremony 

Once that is concluded, we will be traveling to a local body of water for the Afternoon Part 2 service at approximately 4:30pm.

Those attending are asked to meet at The ARK of YAHWEH and we will carpool together. (No virtual service will be offered due to wifi restrictions)


Important Reminders

Prior to Rosh Hashanah, you may (this is not required – it is optional)

  • Immerse in a mikvah (a flowing body of natural water, e.g., a spring, groundwater well, ocean or river) to begin 5785 with added blessings and purification.
  • Visit the graves of the righteous at cemeteries and ask YAHWEH through His son YAHSHUA to forgive us in their merit.
  • Prepare to enter the presence of YAHWEH for His appointed time! This may mean cleaning yourself up by going to get your hair cut, or pulling your best white outfit out of the closet; get ready for one of the most important appointments of the year.

You must not do any creative work – meaning you must abstain from doing the work that you typically do during the week. For some, that means not doing anything related to how you earn income during the week. For others that work inside your home, it means desisting from any of your typical daily duties! For children, that means they should not go to school or do any schoolwork. Be sure to tell your employer and schools that you need the days of Rosh Hashanah off work for religious purposes.

  • As a reminder, work is not permitted on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, the first and second days of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah Shavu’ot and the first second, seventh, and eighth days of YAHWEH’S Pesach.

Be prepared to give a special tithe, offering and/or love gift to the Ark of YAHWEH and if possible, donate to a charity.

Here are some common phrases that you may hear during the Days of Awe (Rosh Hashanah, plus the 10 days following it):

Shanah tovah Good year
Shanah tovah umetukah Good and sweet year
Ketivah v’chatima tovah Good inscription and sealing [in the Book of Life]
G’mar chatimah tovah Good final sealing

Important Prayers

Name of Prayer or Blessing  Text  Notes
Netilat / Hand washing Blessing Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our MIGHTY ONE, King and Ruler of the Universe, who has SET ME APART with Your Mitzvot and commanded me concerning the washing of the hands.

This is the blessing you say when you wake up and wash your hands and before you do anything unto Father YAHWEH.

Tallit / Prayer Shawl Blessing

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, Our Mighty One, King and Ruler of the Universe, who has set us apart by your Mitzvot, And Instructed us to enwrap ourselves in Tzit’Tzit.

Say this blessing as you put on your Tallit / Prayer Shaw before you begin.
First Night of Rosh Hashanah Candle-Lighting

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Mighty One, King and Ruler of the universe, who has set us apart by His Mitzvot and in truth, and has commanded us to be a light to the nations, and who has given us YAHSHUA HaMashiach the light of the world, and has permitted us to kindle the lights of the Day of remembrance.

To usher in the Yom Tov (good day), women (or men, when living in an all-male household) light candles on the first and second evenings of Rosh Hashanah. This blessing is recited after lighting the candles on the first night.
Shehechiyanu Candle-Light Blessing for the First Night of Rosh Hashanah

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Mighty One, King and Ruler of the universe, who has given us life, sustained us and allowed us to reach this occasion.

This blessing is recited after lighting the candles and after the above candle-lighting blessing.
Kiddush / The Table of Remembrance / The Elements First Night of Rosh Hashanah

This blessing is recited after lighting the candles for the first night of Rosh Hashanah and after the above 2 blessings.

A Psalm by David. YAHWEH is my shepherd, I shall lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He revives my soul; He directs me in paths of righteousness for the sake of His Name. Even if I will walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff—they will comfort me. You will prepare a table for me before my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup is full. Only goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the House of the YAHWEH for many long years.

And there was evening, and there was morning: the sixth day.

The heavens and the earth and all they contain were completed. On the seventh day, YAHWEH completed all of the work that was done. And rested on the seventh day from all the work that was done. Then YAHWEH blessed the seventh day and made it Set Apart, because on it YAHWEH ceased from all the work of creation.


Blessed are You YAHWEH, our Mighty One, King and Ruler of the universe, who chose us from among all people, and exalted us above all languages, and Set Us Apart with the Kadosh mitvot [commandments].


And You gave us YAHWEH, our Mighty One, in love, this Shabbat day, and this Day of Remembrance, a day for remembering the sounding of the shofar, with love a day of Kadosh assembly commemorating the exodus from Mitzrayim [Egypt].


You have chosen us and Set Us Apart among all peoples; and Your word is true and enduring forever through YAHSHUA HaMashiach and by the power of Your Sprit, YAH RUACH KODESH.


Blessed are You, YAHWEH, Ruler over all the earth, and the Set Apart One of Shabbat and of Yisrael and the Day of Remembrance.


Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Mighty One, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Mighty One, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.

Second Night of Rosh Hashanah Candle-Lighting

Shehechiyanu Candle-light Blessing for the Second Night of Rosh Hashanah

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Mighty One, King and Ruler of the universe, who has set us apart by His Mitzvot and in truth, and has commanded us to be a light to the nations, and who has given us YAHSHUA HaMashiach the light of the world, and has permitted us to kindle the lights of the Day of remembrance.

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Mighty One, King and Ruler of the universe, who has given us life, sustained us and allowed us to reach this occasion.

To usher in the Yom Tov (good day), women (or men, when living in an all-male household) light candles on the first and second evenings of Rosh Hashanah. This blessing is recited after lighting the candles on the first night.

This blessing is recited after lighting the candles for the second night of Rosh Hashanah

Kiddush / The Table of Remembrance / The Elements Second Night of Rosh Hashanah

Praised are you YAHWEH, Sovereign of the universe, who creates the lights of the fire.

This blessing is recited after lighting the candles for the second night of Rosh Hashanah and after the above blessing.

Blessed are you YAHWEH, our Mighty One, Ruler of time and space, who distinguishes the Kadosh days from the everyday, light from darkness, Israel from the nations, and Shabbat from all other days. As You have distinguished between Shabbat and the Moedim, imbuing the seventh day with Set Apartness above all other days, so have You distinguished and endowed Your people Yisrael with Your Kadosh-ness. Blessed are you YAHWEH, who distinguishes one Kadosh day from another.


Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Almighty One, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.


Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Almighty One, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.

Eating on Rosh Hashanah

In many instances in Scripture, when YAHWEH reveals a prophecy to a person, He then tells the prophet to perform a physical sign (e.g. Ezekiel was commanded to make a model of the future Temple), thus ensuring that the prophecy will be actualized not just in the spiritual realms, but in the physical as well. Similarly, on the first night of Rosh Hashanah, we eat several foods which symbolize the type of year we wish to have.
After blessing the challah bread, the custom is to dip the challah into honey.
At the start of the meal, we dip a piece of sweet apple into honey. Before eating it, we make the blessing ha’etz over the apple
Blessed are You, YAHWEH our Mighty One, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the tree.
and then add:
May it be Your will to renew for us a good and sweet year.
A head of a ram, fish or other kosher animal is served. This symbolizes our desire to be a "head and not a tail.”
A pomegranate is also eaten, symbolizing our wish to have a year full of mitzvahs and good deeds, as a pomegranate is filled with luscious seeds.
In addition to those foods mentioned, it is customary that throughout the meal, we eat foods whose names in the vernacular allude to blessing and prosperity. For example, many have the custom of eating a carrot dish, because in Yiddish the word for “carrots,” “meren,” means “to multiply.”
Sour or Bitter foods
Throughout Rosh Hashanah, many have the custom to refrain from eating foods which are sour, bitter or tart. Instead, the focus is on sweet foods, symbolizing our desire to have a sweet year, blessings and abundance. Therefore, the custom is to not prepare dishes that taste vinegary or lemony.
It is customary not to eat nuts on Rosh Hashanah. Why?
One reason is that nuts tend to increase saliva in your mouth, making prayer difficult. Another reason is that the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew word for "nut," “egoz,” is seventeen. Seventeen is also the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew word for “sin,” “chet,” and on Rosh Hashanah we want to stay far away from anything reminiscent of sin.

Yom Kippur (5785) 

G’mar Chtima Tovah! The ARK of YAHWEH is grateful that you are choosing to celebrate YAHWEH’s Yom Kippur with us. Below you will find information to help you have a blessed Yom Kippur along with our congregation, your family, and of course, Father YAHWEH through His son YAHSHUA.

Important dates and times (note, all times listed are PST)

Erev pre-Yom Kippur 5785 Service Friday, October 11, 2024 around 4:30pm (VIRTUAL ONLY)
Start and end time of Yom Kippur 5785 (2024)

Starts at sundown on Friday, October 11, 2024 and ends 26 hours later on Saturday, October 12, 2024.

Evening – Maariv Yom Kippur Service Friday, October 11, 2024, at 8:15pm. (VIRTUAL ONLY)
Morning – Shacharit Yom Kippur Service & RabbiYAH’s Message

Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 9:30am. 

You may join us virtually or in person at the ARK of YAHWEH.

Additional Morning – Musaf Yom Kippur Service

Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 11:45am. 

You may join us virtually or in person at the ARK of YAHWEH.

Afternoon/Closing –Minchah/Neilah Yom Kippur Service & RabbiYAH’s Sermon

Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 4:30pm.

You may join us virtually or in person at the ARK of YAHWEH.

Important Reminders

Once Yom Kippur starts:

  • No eating or drinking (Until Bar/Bat Mitzvah age, children should fast for a short period of time and meals should be delayed to the extent possible). The exceptions are:
    • To take prescribed medications
    • If you are physically unable to do so, meaning you have a medical condition or you are ill, please do not fast. Be in consultation with your doctor and RabbiYAH Shalomyah if you have questions or concerns. During your fast, if you are feeling lightheaded or ill, drink water. Do not engager your life or your health. Also note, we break our fast after 26 hours. It is important that you break your fast slowly and not overeat.
  • No wearing leather footwear (you can also choose to not wear any shoes at all!) Note, be sure your shoes do not contain any leather at all – whether in the uppers, soles, heels, etc.
  • No bathing or washing (including brushing your teeth). The exceptions are
    • To wash your hands upon exiting the bathroom
    • To wash any area of your body that has become soiled
    • Upon awakening in the morning to say the Netilat (hand washing) blessing
    • Before the start of prayers
      Before handling food
    • For any other reasons, please consult RabbiYAH Shalomyah
  • No applying ointment, lotions or creams to your body or hair
  • No engaging in any form of spousal intimacy or sexual relations
  • No work or creative activities
  • No wearing jewelry – especially gold jewelry
  • No engaging in activities that lower, or bring shame to, YAHWEH’S Name

Prior to Yom Kippur, you must:

  • Ask anyone whom you may have wronged for their forgiveness:
    • ___________ [insert person’s name] Please forgive me for any and all offenses, Torah-less acts, words or thoughts that I may or may not remember, knowingly or unknowingly committed against you in 5784 and this year, 5785. [It is even better if you detail exactly what you did as long as it doesn’t bring embarrassment to the person. Note, you don’t need to say this exactly – as long as you say I am sorry and ask for their forgiveness].
  • Prepare to enter the presence of YAHWEH for His appointed time! This may mean cleaning yourself up by going to get your hair cut, or pulling your best white outfit out of the closet; get ready for one of the most important appointments of the year.
  • Be prepared to give a special tithe, offering and/or love gift to the Ark of YAHWEH and if possible, donate to a charity.
  • If your parent has ascended (deceased) to Shamayim (heaven), please purchase a memorial candle. This is something you will light tonight.
  • Eat good and drink lots of water! It is a mitzvah of YAHWEH to fast on Yom Kippur, so prepare yourself by eating a good meal prior to the start of Yom Kippur.

If you have yet to accept YAHSHUA into your life as YAHWEH’S salvation and atonement, you should do that prior to the start of Yom Kippur. Please join the Erev Yom Kippur service if you would like to do this.

You must not do any creative work – meaning you must abstain from doing the work that you typically do during the week. For some, that means not doing anything related to how you earn income during the week. For others that work inside your home, it means desisting from any of your typical daily duties! For children, that means they should not go to school or do any schoolwork. Be sure to tell your employer and schools that you need Yom Kippur off work.

As a reminder, work is not permitted on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, the first and second days of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah Shavu’ot and the first second, seventh, and eighth days of YAHWEH’S Pesach

Important Prayers

Name of Prayer or Blessing Text Notes
Netilat / Hand washing Blessing

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our MIGHTY ONE, King and Ruler of the Universe, who has set us apart by your Mitzvot, and Instructed us concerning the washing of the hands.

This is the blessing you say when you wake up and wash your hands and before you do anything unto Father YAHWEH.
Tallit / Prayer Shawl Blessing

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, Our Mighty One, King and Ruler of the Universe, who has set us apart by your Mitzvot, And Instructed us to enwrap ourselves in Tzit’Tzit.

Say this blessing as you put on your Tallit / Prayer Shawl before you begin.
Memorial Prayer / Mourner’s Kiddish (light the memorial candle if you have a deceased parent) Exalted and esteemed be YAHWEH’S great name in the world which YAHWEH created, according to plan.

May YAHWEH’S splendor be revealed in the days of our lifetime and the life of all Israel — speedily, imminently,

To which we say: Ameyn.

Blessed be YAHWEH’S great name to all eternity.

Blessed, praised, honored, exalted, extolled, esteemed, adored, and lauded be the name of the Kadosh Blessed One, beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing, praise, and comfort.

To which we say: Ameyn.

May there be abundant SHALOM from heaven, and life, for us and all Israel.

To which we say: Ameyn.

May the One who creates harmony on high, bring shalom to us and to all Israel.

To which we say: Ameyn.

Blessing for lighting candles on Shabbat and Yom Kippur

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our MIGHTY ONE, King and Ruler of the Universe, who has set us apart by your Mitzvot, and Instructed us to kindle the light of Shabbat and Yom Kippur.

This blessing is recited after lighting the memorial candle (if you have a deceased parent).

Shehechiyanu Blessing 

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Mighty One, King and Ruler of the universe, who has given us life, sustained us and allowed us to reach this occasion.

Sukkot (5785)

Please join us for our sukkot service on Thursday, October 17, 2024 (VIRTUAL ONLY).

Name of Prayer or Blessing Text Notes
Lulav Blessing

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our MIGHTY ONE, King and Ruler of the Universe, who has SET ME APART with Your Mitzvot and commanded me regarding taking the lulav.

This blessing is recited while holding the lulav bundle in your right hand.
Shehecheyanu Blessing

Blessed are You, YAHWEH, our Mighty One, King and Ruler of the universe, who has given us life, sustained us and allowed us to reach this occasion.

When completing the mitzvah for the first time:

Please recite the following blessing while holding the etrog in the left hand (before bringing the two together). 

"The evening, and the morning, are the 1st day"

Yisrael begins all their Moedim on the evening before the date specified. This is because a scriptural "day" begins and ends at sunset, instead of midnight. Therefore the beginning of each day starts in the evening at sunset (3 stars). 

Note: See Bereshit (Genesis 1)

The No - No's of the Moedim

Work is not permitted on (1) Rosh Hashanah, (2) Yom Kippur, (3) the first and second days of Sukkot, (4) Shemini Atzeret,    (5) Simchat Torah, (6) Shavu'ot, and (7) the first, second, seventh, and eighth days of Passover.

The "work" prohibited on these Moedim are the same as the prohibitions on the Sabbath, with the exceptions of cooking, baking, or transferring fire from another fire already lit before the Moed, and carrying outside, all of that which is forbidden on Sabbaths, are permitted on these days. 

What about the Extra Days in Some Moedim

Some Moedim have extra days attached to them. This is done to pad the difference between the Scriptural calender and the Julian calender. Because of these differences, some Moedim have one extra day attached to them. 

Shavuot (Lighting Candles)

The Procedure

While dressed in your Shabbat clothes

Place a Tzedekah into the Pushke box (a box to give and make a monetary contribution).

Light the candles as follows:

Extend your hands over the candles, draw them inwards three times in a circular motion, and then cover your eyes.

Say the blessing:
Transliteration: Baruch a-ta YAHWEH, YAH-o-hei-nu me-lech ha-o-lam a-sher ki-di-sha-nu bi-mitz-vo-tav   vi-tzi-va-nu li-had-leek ner shel Sha-bat ko-desh.

Translation: Blessed are you, YAHWEH our MIGHTY ONE,  King of the universe, who has SET US APART with His MITZVOT, and commanded us to kindle the light of the SET APART Shabbat.

Now, while your eyes are still covered, is an auspicious time to pray for your heart's desires. The custom is to pray for children who will be upright and who will be YAHWEH fearing, and for the RETURN of YAHshua the Mashiach of Yisrael. Take the time also to pray for others who need blessings and good health.

Uncover your eyes, gaze at the candles, and then greet everyone with blessings of a Tov (good) Shabbat or Hag (moed)

With the lighting of the candles, a woman ushers in the SET APART day of Shabbat. No "weekday" activities are to be done from that point on.