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GLOSSARY of Pagan Terms

For more in-deph information about any word listed below, please contact us.



(1) A Pagan god of the Phoenician/ Babylonian nations, (2) A young fertility god beloved by Astarte (3)  Represents death and rebirth in Asian Cult, (4) He is also known by the name Eshmun an agricultural pagan deity, (5) Derived from the Canaanite title “ADON’ which means Sovereign Lord, Master, (6) Hellenized version of ADONAI


(1) Taken from the goddess of the Phoenician - Babylonian nations (2) It was from the word ADONIS (a Pagan goddess of Phoenician - Babylonian nations) that the word ADONAI was conceived (3) The suffix of Adonai is: ADON (a Pagan god). When placed together Adonai means: My Adon (4) The sovereign of the Pagans (5) The Masoretes replaced the name of Yahweh with the Title ADONAI around 900 AD (6) When Gentile translators sought to translate the Scriptures into other languages they used as equivalent title for the name Yahweh. They used the title Lord and God (7) Greeks translated the word Adonai with Kyrios (Lord)

Note: Adonai should not be spoken by believers, because just by speaking the Name a Pagan spirit is being summoned


(1) Moon god (2) Title for the Islamic/Moslem false deity


A pagan city that was well invested with the pagan doctrine of Hindus, who worshiped  Krishna the sun deity. This is why in the city of Antioch "Called Out Ones" (in YAHshua) were called “Kristians” (spelled Christians in English). They attached this term to the followers of the true Mashiach of Yisrael thus Krishna (latter changed to “Christ” because their savior around 43 AD / CE.


An Assyrian / Greek  / Roman emperor that was used by hasatan to desecrate the Temple of Yisrael from 175 - 165 BCE. 

An Assyrian / Greek / Roman emperor that instituted laws to fully Hellenize the Jewish Religion in 164 BCE / BC.

Under the rule of Antiochus Epiphanies IV Jews became subject to every degradation, and brutality imaginable.; and pagan sacrifices the prostitution were established in the SET APART  Temple at YAHrushalayim (Jerusalem).

Outlawed the worship of YAHWEH (the MIGHTY ONE of Yisrael) and replaced the name of YAHWEH with the Greek / Roman SUN god Zeus (as recorded in the book of the Maccabees)

Made a decreed (law) that Zeus would be regarded as the local manifestation of YAHWEH

He desecrated and dedicated the Temple of YAHWEH in 165 BCE by removing All consecrated items of the Temple of YAHWEH and replacing them with pagan symbols of Zeus. The Mennora and shew bread of YAHWEH was replaced with pagan symbols

A PIG was placed on the alter of YAHWEH as a sacrificial offering unto Zeus and a statue of the Pagan god Zeus was placed in the KaDosh ha KoDaSHim (Holy of Holies)

Polluted and/or desecrated and/or removed the ToRaH, ShaBBat (Sabbath), and Feast days of YAHWEH

In 167 BCE Antiochus Epiphanes IV compelled all Jews (under the penalty of death) to cease living by the laws of YAHWEH. The SET APART TEMPLE in YAHrushalayim was polluted and called after Zeus Olympius 


(1) Tarsus = Sweat of Zeus (2) Dionysus = The son of Zeus (3) Ephesus = Iesous or Jesus


(1) Son of Zeus (2) god of prophesy (3) god of poetry (4) god of music (5) god of healing


(1) Daughter of Zeus (2) goddess of wisdom (3) goddess of arts and crafts (4) Born from the head of Zeus

AZARYAH (Azariah):

The Babylonians changed it to Abednego 


BAAL(singular) - Baali (plural) - Baalim (collective noun):

(1) Baal means: Lord (2) Supreme male deity of the Phoenicians, Canaanites, and Babylonians (3) Had a Babylonian Wife named Semiramis (4) A Babylonian god that Israel was introduced to while in captivity to the Babylonians (Jer. 23:26-27, Jer. 12:16, and Hosea 2:16-17) (5)  Believers are not to call YAHWEH Baal (Lord) (Hosea 2:16-17) (6) Belial is another form of Baal. Belial is another term for Satan


(1) City in Babylon ruled by Nimrod (2) City where the first tower was built (called the tower of Babel) in defiance of YAHWEH as part of their Satanic religion (3) It was in Babel that YAHWEH confused the tongues of mankind (Gen. 11:7)(4) Babel is the origin of the idolatrous systems of the world  (5) Babel is where the Mysterious Religion began. (6) Is where pagan worship of Queen Semiramis (the Mother goddess) began

BABYLONIAN (RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE ON THE WORLD): (1) The Babylonian empire religious beliefs were transferred to the Egyptians (2) The name of the sun god of Babylonia became the sun god of the Egyptians (Osiris) (3) The Greeks took the name of the Egyptian god (Osiris) and called him Zeus (4) The Romans took the name of the Greek god (Zeus) and called him Jupiter

A pagan SUN god known in OLD TESTAMENT scriptures as TAMMUZ. TAMMUZ was the returning SUN GOD that was also known as the ICHTHUS or FISH of Zeus

BIBLE: (1) Commonly accepted as the word that defines the totality of scripture  (2) Commonly accepted as that which was copied from Hebrew scripture into Aramaic then Greek then Latin, and finally English (3) Jewish Masoretes Substituted / Replaced the Hebrew Name of YAHWEH with the Babylonian and world titles such as: (A) EL (god) (B) Baal (lord) and /or (C)  Adonai (which was a Babylonian fertility goddess) (4) Greeks copied Hebrew text and came up with the Septuagint copy.  This gentile copy Substituted and/or Replaced the Hebrew Name of YAHWEH with the Greek Sun god Kurios (5) Latins copied Hebrew text and came up with the Vulgate copy. This gentile copy Substituted and /or Replaced the Hebrew Name of  with the Latin Sun god Dominus

(1) “He that blaspheme the NAME OF YAHWEH, he shall surely be put to death” (Lev. 24:16) (2) According to the Mishna, “He who blasphemes is liable only when he will have fully pronounced the Name of YAHWEH”. (3) No individual could be sentenced for blasphemy unless they actually uttered the Name YAHWEH  

BLASPHEMY (procedure used in the trial)

On every day of the trail they examined the witnesses with a substituted name (for the Name of YAHWEH). When sentence was to be given they did not declare him guilty of death on the grounds of the evidence given, with the substituted name, but they sent out all of the people and asked the chief among the witnesses and said to him, “say exactly what you heard.” and he says it; and the judges stand up on their feet and rend their garments, and they may not mend them again. And the second witness says, “ I also heard the like,” and the third says, “I also heard the like.” (Mishnah)

Under Jewish Law one who is convicted of blasphemy or idolatry was not only punished by stoning to death but was also subject to being hung on a pole (tree).  (Lev 24:16)

The Mishnah states “None is hanged except the blasphemer and the idolater.”

The Mishnah states “A blasphemer hung on a tree must not be left there overnight.” (Deut 21:22)

The Mishnah adds that the offender corpse was hun on a pole “as the butchers do,” as if to say: “Why was this one hanged? Because he blessed YAHWEH and the Name of Yahweh was fond profaned.”

“The body shall not remain all night on a tree, but surely you shall bury him the same day, for he that is hanged is a reproach to YAHWEH”. These instructions were followed with regard to the death of YAHshua and his burial.



(1) An ancient pagan word which means ‘GOOD’ (2) The word was adopted from gnostic Paganism (3) The pagan gods Osiris and Mithras were both called “Chreistos(4) The inscription “Chrestos” is printed on a Mithras relief in the Vatican in Rome (5) Christians were called Chrestoi (good men) according to church leader Justin Martyr (6) Clement of Alexandria (a church leader) said that “all who believe in Christ are called: Chrestoi” (good men)

Note: The "OS" letters at the end of a name is a concealment for the pagan god Zeus


(1) Means: pure - sacred - good - holy =  Good Mithras or Holy Mithras (2) Rome was the center of Chrestos Mithras pagan Worship


(1) A Greek title used to describe the Sun god Apollo (2) A Greek word used for Messiah or Redeemer (3) Chrisna is an ancient pagan god that was worshiped in India centuries before our Savior was born (4) A title given to Greek pagan deities referring to their high priest, and priestesses of their pagan religion and not the Anointed One of the Hebrew faith YAHWEH (5) The Greeks deliberately changed the unadulterated title of Hebrew Mashiach to the polluted terminology and title of Christ (6)  Entitlements that describe the power of pagan deities (7) The Anointed One of pagan religions(8)  (9) The English translation “Christ” comes from the Greek name “Krishma”. Krishna was the savior of the Hindu people (10)  The Greek evolution of the word Christ: Christos - Chrisma - Krishma - Christian-os (followers). The letters “OS” are concealment letters for the Geek god Zeus (11) The Latin evolution of the word Christ: Christ-us. The letter “US” are concealment letters for the Latin god Zeus (12) The Hindu evolution of the word Christ: Krishna (13) The English speaking nations use the word Christ. Satin excluded the letter “OS” and “US” to stop believers from detecting the name of Zeus.


A Greek word that has pagan roots


(1) An erroneous Greek name given to believers who had separated theme selves from the true fold of Israel

(2)  Believers who left their roots in Israel and started a new religious entity that wrapped their former pagan religious system in the clothes of pseudo Israel called Christians.

(3)  Meaning: Followers of Christ(os). The suffix “(OS)” in Christ-os is a concealment for the name ZEUS. Therefore the word “Christians” means followers of Zeus.

(4)  Believers were first called Christians in the city of Antioch. They attached this term to the followers of the true Messiyah of Israel because Krishna (latter changed to “Christ”) was their savior.

(5)  Believers in Antioch were first called “Christians”

Note: This term “Christians” was also used by a group of gnostic sun worshipers in Egypt who knelt before huge ankhs (crux ansatas).  The Serapis-Isis cult also used this symbol in Alexandria. The Emperor of Alexandria wrote: “Those who worship Serapis are Christians and those who call themselves bishops of Christ are vowed to Serapis....”


(1) Founded upon the culture of the pagan Greeks (2) Not found in scripture One time


(1) A compound word which is attached to the Hindu sun deity Krishna (Greek word is Christos, English word is Christ) (2) In 321 CE/AD Constantine reserved Sunday as a holiday for Chr-stian (3) In 336 CE/AD Constantine set aside Dec. 25 as the birthday  of Sol Invictus (day of the Sun god  Zeus)


(1) Derived from the Greek word “Christos” (Kristos) (2) The suffix “OS” (in Christ-os) is a concealment word for the name ZEUS in Greek (3) Is not of Hebrew origin. The Hebrew word is Mashiach (4) Meaning: Greek word for anointed (as it relates to Greek gods) (5) The “anointed one” of pagan religions. Does not have the same meaning as Mashiach / Mashiyah in Hebrew which means “the anointed of YAHWEH


Greek word "circe" means sceance, sorcery, or circus

Note: YAHshua never used this word when He walked upon the earth. YAHshua never said: "upon this rock I will build my church". He said: upon this rock I will build my Miqra (called out ones)

 CHURCH (Fathers):

Pagan background of some of the church fathers are:

Cyprian: Pagan worshiper of Mysterious Babylonian / Egyptian religions that influenced the church. Brought over many of his Pagan beliefs into the early church 

Augustine: Pagan worshiper of Mysterious Babylonian / Egyptian religions that influenced the church. Brought over many of his Pagan beliefs into the early church

Marcion: Pagan worshiper of Mysterious Babylonian / Egyptian religions that influenced the church.  Brought over many of his Pagan beliefs into the early church 

Eusebius: Pagan worshiper of Mysterious Babylonian / Egyptian religions that influenced the church.  Brought over many of his Pagan beliefs into the early church

Ambrose: Pagan worshiper of Mysterious Babylonian / Egyptian religions that influenced the church.  Brought over many of his Pagan beliefs into the early church 

Epiphanius: Pagan worshiper of Mysterious Babylonian / Egyptian religions that influenced the early church.  Brought over many of his Pagan beliefs into the early church 

Clement: Leader within the Christian Church that was Gnostic indoctrinated 


(1)  Constantine (emperor of Rome) decided to make Catholicism the official religion of the Roman empire. 

(2)  Supposedly converted to Christianity on his death bed

(3)  Constantine forbade the celebration of Passover and replaced it with Easter (an ancient Babylonian Spring Ritual that was being celebrated by the Romans.

(4)  In 321 CE/AD Constantine changed the Day of Rest (shabbat) on Saturday to Sunday because he was a worshiper of the Sun and hated the Jews. He entrapped believers by making Sunday a holiday a public holiday

(5)  In 321 CE/AD Constantine reserved Sunday as a holiday for Christians and in 336 decreed Dec 25, as the birthday of Sol Invictus and arbitrarily chosen as Chr-stmas.

(6)  Constantine also held the office of Pontifex Maximus which is a Pagan title given to an emperor that makes them a god in their culture over all paganism

(7)  Constantine’s major political move was when he made a decree to stop the persecution of Christian’s. This move brought the Christian community into his camp. By doing this Constantine opened the door for NON JEWISH messianic believers to fall into the trap of Satan himself. Catholicism then began to introduce other doctrines of error that where designed to further separate non - Jewish messianic believers from the Jewish counterparts. The Jewish Torah and Tanach was replaced with the culturalized Septuagint version of Hebrew scripture.

(8)  In 336 CE/AD Constantine made Dec 25th the official birthday of Zeus the Sun god. It was known as Sol Invictus (the day of the Sun god Zeus)

(9)  Upon Constantine’s death he was declared to be a god by the pagan senate at Rome

(10)  After his death Constantine was declared to a SAINT “EQUAL TO THE APOSTLES” by the Byzantine Church in the east (a order of the Roman Catholic Church)

(11)  A Pagan Roman Emperor that used religion and politics to embrace and deceive the Roman Catholic Church and gentile messianic believers.

(12)  A Pagan Sun god worshiper

(13)  Encouraged and Convince Gentile Believers do away with Jewish practices, customs, and traditions

(14)  Through a dream convinced Gentile Believers of his conversion but maintained his pagan worship of the sun

(15)  Through his legal and political power, made a law proclaiming Sun - day as the day of rest for all people and religions in his kingdom


(1)  Yehovah - Jehovah:  Satan’s counterfeit names of the AUTHENTIC HEBREW NAME YHWH (pronounced YAHWEH; who is the Supreme Creator, Heavenly Father, King of the universe and all that dwells therein)

(2)  Iesous:  Satan’s counterfeit Greek name that replaced the AUTHENTIC HEBREW NAME YAHSHUA

(3)  Iesus:    Satan’s counterfeit Latin name that replaced the AUTHENTIC HEBREW NAME YAHSHUA

(4)  Jesus:    Satan’s counterfeit English name that replaced the AUTHENTIC HEBREW NAME YAHSHUA

(5)  Bible:     Satan’s counterfeit name for the HEBREW NAME “TORAH” AND/OR “TANACH” which is THE WORD OF YAHWEH

(6)  Mount Olympus: Satan’s counterfeit Greek / Rome name for MOUNT SINAI 


DEMETER: (1) Sister of Zeus (2) goddess of agriculture (3) goddess of fertility 
DIONYSUS: (1) Son of Zeus (2) Babylonian roots of origin (3) Greek deity of wine (4) Known to the Greeks as the “Sin-Bearer” (5) Known in India as the “Victim-Man” (6) Known as the “Savior of the world” to those of the east


EA (IE):

Was the Healing god of the Greeks who the Romans excepted as their Healing god


(1)  The name originated with the names of ancient goddess’ and gods.

(2)  Some of these goddess’ and gods were Eostre a goddess of Europe (A.K.A. = Eastre), Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eostur, Eastra, Eastur, Austron and Ausos were all Teutonic dawn goddesses of fertility

(3)  Eastre is derived from the ancient word “spring”

(4)  In ancient Cyprus she was known as Aphrodite

(5)  In ancient Israel she was known as Astoreth (while in captivity)

(6)  In ancient Greece she was known as Astarte

(7)  In ancient Mycenae she was known as Demeter

(8)  In ancient Egypt she was known as Hathor

(9)  In ancient Assyria she was known as Ishtar

(10)  In ancient India she was known as Kali


Symbolizes the Mother goddess Semiramis (Easter) as the goddess of fertility and the reincarnation of her husband (also her son Nimrod)


(1)  Sacred symbol of the Babylonians

(2)  Associated with the goddess Easter who fell from heaven and was hatched as Semiramis the Queen mother of Heaven

EGYPT (Egyptians):

(1)   Known for the Secret Teaching of All Ages

(2)   A great center of learning

(3)   Birth place of many arts and sciences

(4)   Maintained the ideal environment for transcendental experimentation 

(5)   Was a center for the ceremonial and ancient magic of “controlling spirits by applying specific scientific formulas”, and by speaking certain words of powers and symbols to effect certain result.

(6)   Ritual magic was used in areas of medicine, healing and prophecy

(7)   In the Egyptian mind-set the utterance of correct words brought about certain spiritual powers.

(8)   In Ritual Egyptian magic it was believed that the sound itself possessed an intrinsic dynamic form

(9)    In Ritual Egyptian magic it was believed that simply uttering the name of a being or an inanimate object, that being or object could be called into existence.

(10)  Reigning Pharaoh’s would preface any new decree by saying “I am the Great Word”. This indicated that he (the Pharaoh) was capable of conferring life.

(11)  In Ritual Egyptian magic the magician would begin all spells with words that meant:   “That which comes forth at the voice”.

(12)  Egyptian magicians produced an art called “Names of Power”. This was a practice of identifying deities by Two Names. (1) The first name of identity was known as the “GREAT NAME or TRUE NAME”. This Name was concealed to the public and only the kings and priests of the nations knew it and/or used it”. (2) The second name of identity was known as the “LITTLE NAME or GOOD NAME”.

(13)  This Name was provided for the general public and made available for anybody to use.


(1)   A generic Pagan Title for "God"

(2)   First used by the Babylonians

(3)   Also a title given to demons, and false gods

Note:  Do you think the Heavenly Father (YAHWEH) desires to be associated with Pagan gods and demons? ...NO... He said: I AM YAHWEH ALONE


(1)   This pagan city was well invested with the pagan doctrine of Hindus,

(2)   This city worshiped  Krishna the sun deity






(1)  The TITLE "god" is derived from the Dutch word “god” which was taken from the German word “GOTT”, which was taken from the Gothic word “Guth”, which was taken from the Teutonic/Aryan root “GUDO”, which was taken from the Greek word “Theos”, which was taken from the Babylonian / Phoenician word El.

(2)  God spelled backwards is “DOG”


(1)   The Greek language was not used very much in Judea during the time of the Septuagint and the time of YAHshua. The YAHudi (Jews) had been taught that “IT WOULD BE WORSE FOR A JEW TO LEARN GREEK THAN TO EAT SWINE’S FLESH”.

(2)   After the time of Antiochus Epiphanies IV, the Jews hated the Greeks and detested their language (Greek) 

(3)    Greek names ending with sus, seus and sous are phonetic pronunciations of ZEUS

(4)    Greek is a corrupted, polluted language that incorporates many Pagan deities, names and titles into its structure and association realm


HADES: (1) Brother of Zeus (2) God of death and the underworld.

(1)   A pagan celebration that is celebrated on October 31, of each year.

(2)   The beginning of the Satanic New Year (stated with the Celtics)

(3)    Also known as the FESTIVAL OF DEATH

(4)    Wicked and evil spirits are called upon and loosed from the underworld  to “go forth, harass, and place curses of fear and death” upon people who are unaware of their presence

(5)    People are used in this day to go from house to house (Like the ancient people called Druids), to demand treats, or food from their community (the treats and food gathered was used to feed the gods of the festival of death). The participants of this feast wore costumes and mask to conceal their identity (modern day practices of wearing costumes).  They would also carry turnips, that had names and faces of their personal gods carved into the turnips (called pumpkins today). Community members that did not participate in the feeding of these gods tormented and often sacrificed.

On October 31 those who practice witchcraft, divination, and fortune telling found out that their evil art had greater power and impact upon people during this festival. During the middle ages Halloween became a major holiday for those practicing Satanism.

(6)   On October 31 Satanic, Cult groups around the world offer up to Satan the highest from of sacrifice... Human beings, as a yearly ritual practice (these cults still exist today).


(1) Ba’al the Sun god

(2) Name of the Greek SUN god


(1)   A period in history between 100-300 CE/AD

(2)   A group of influential citizens that began to grow in the empire of the Syrian/Greek ruler Antiochus Epiphanes IV (Galilee and Judaea was apart of his empire). This group of influential citizens later became the Hellenistic party, which held strong leanings towards the Greek culture. The Hellenistic party at Jerusalem found consideration for their views by Greek appointed High Priests of Israel (Onias III  - Jason, and Menelaus).  In 167 BCE Antiochus Epiphanes IV compelled all Jews (under the penalty of death) to cease living by the laws of Yahweh. The sanctuary in Jerusalem was polluted and called after Zeus Olympius 

HERA (Romans called him Juno):

(1) Wife of Zeus; goddess of marriage

(2) goddess of child birth


(1) Son of Isis (Esu)

(2) Regarded as a Healing Deity


The word HOVAH means: Ruin - Mischief - disaster and is rooted to the root words: Calamity - Iniquity - Mischievous thing - Naughtiness - Naughty - Noisome - Perverse thing - very wickedness

Note:  Does this word (Hovah) sound like a word that Father YAHWEH would use to associate HIS desire and relationship with HIS creation?



(1) TAMMUZ was the returning SUN GOD that was also known as the ICHTHUS or FISH

(2) Used as a symbol of early Christians to represent Jesus Christ


Greek goddess of healing that the Greeks attached and shaped a PROPER MASCULINE name and called him IESOUS


(1)   Satan’s Latin counterfeit name for YAHshua (the name of the Heavenly Father’s Son)

(2)   Erroneous Latin/Roman name given to the Son Of YAHWEH (YAHshua)

(3)   The Latin/Roman name  Iesus by Hellenistic Jews to Yesus which was latter translated into the English name Jesus

(4)   Iesus was adapted from the Greek name Iesous

(5)   When Iesous is broken down into its composites, we see the words "IE", which means "Hail" and the word "SOUS", within the suffix of the name which is a reference to the Greek chief sky god Zeus. When these Two words are placed together they define IE-SOUS as the HAIL ZEUS who is called JESUS in English


(1) Satan’s Greek counterfeit name for YAHshua (the name of the Heavenly Father’s Son)

(2) Erroneous Greek name given to the Son Of YAHWEH (YAHshua)

(3) Derived from the Geek goddess Ieso (a healing god) . The Greeks then gave and attached to Ieso the Masculine name of Iesous and used it to identify the Savior of Israel YAHshua

(4) Greek transliteration of the Pagan name “ASET” (an Ancient Egyptian goddess Romans knew as “Isis”)

(5) The abbreviated form of IESOUS is IES or IHS (in Greek the capital E is an H)

(6) The abbreviated form of IESOUS is: IHSOUS (IHS is also the mystery name that appears on the alters of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. IHS also appears on crucifixes and represent the actual body of Jesus Christ. ) These initials are also the initials used to represent the mystery name of the pagan god BACCHUS who is a pagan SUN god known in OLD TESTAMENT scriptures as TAMMUZ.

(7) TAMMUZ was the returning SUN GOD that was also known as the ICHTHUS or FISH

(8) When Iesous is broken down into its composites, we see two words emerging (8.1) IE, which is a Babylonian god of healing (8.2) SOUS, the Greek suffix for the god of the Greeks, Zeus. When these Two words are placed together they define IE-SOUS as the HEALING ZEUS who is called JESUS in English

(9) Can be traced back to Sun Deity: The Greek Sun god Zeus(gk) / Apollo (Ltn) had a son by the name of Asclepius (another Sun deity of Healing). Asclepius had a daughter name Iaso (GK: Ieso) which became a Sun goddess of healing. The name Ieso was then given a masculine gender name of Iesous.

(10)  Greek names ending in SOUS, SUS, SEUS (and sometimes “S” alone) are the phonetic for Zeus a pagan god. These endings were attached to names and geographical locations to give honor to Zeus


(1) The abbreviation IHS is the mystery name that appears on the alters of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. IHS also appears on crucifixes and represent the actual body of Jesus Christ. These initials are the initials used to represent the mystery name of the pagan god BACCHUS who is a pagan SUN god known in OLD TESTAMENT scriptures as TAMMUZ.

(2) TAMMUZ was the returning SUN GOD that was also known as the ICHTHUS or FISH

ISIS (Esu or ES):

(1) A goddess

(2) Had a son named Isu

(3) Had a son named Horus (HER)

(4) Regarded as a Healing Deity


“J” (the letter):

(1)  The letter “J” did not exist until the 15th / 16th century.

(2)  There is presently no letter “J” in the Hebrew, or Greek alphabet


(1)  By error this hybrid name (Jehovah) was introduced by Petrus Galatinus in 1520 A.D.

(2)  The name of the Heavenly Father and Creator of all thing IS NOT "Jehovah"

(3)  The name Jehovah is not the Authentic, Original name of the MIGHTY ONE of Yisrael. It is a hybrid name that means absolutely nothing

(4)  The letter “J” did not appear in any alphabet system in the world until the 15th / 16th century (600 years ago). Both the Heavenly Father and His Son was      around before the 15th / 16th century.

(5)   Copyist, translators, interpreters of Hebrew scripture DID NOT have the scriptural  right to change or replace the Kadosh (SET APART) name of YAHWEH.

(6)   Between 1518 and 1520 CE/AD an Italian theologian nad Franciscan Friar by the name of Galatinus changed the Hebrew letter “Y” to a “J”. He also changed the Hebrew letter “W” to a “V”. He did this our of ignorance not realizing what the Masoretes had done by placing vowel marks into the Hebrew text.

(7)  The suffix of the name jeHOVAH n Hebrew means: Ruin - Mischief - disaster and is rooted to the root words: Calamity - Iniquity - Mischievous thing - Naughtiness - Naughty - Noisome - Perverse thing - very wickedness


Scripture proves that the Saviors name is not Jesus (read Acts 7:45 and Heb. 4:8).

After the resurrection of Yahshua ( approx. 200 AD/CE), the Greek name of Iesous replaced the Name of Yahshua. This was done to make Yahshua more acceptable to the Greeks. The Name of Iesus replaced the Name of Yahshua in the Latin culture. Political leaders of the Romans, Greeks and Latins began working on a concept to unite Pagans with this new form of religion that was spreading through the land. The political leaders of these gentile nations were anti Semitic and did not want any part of their cultures intermingling with Israel, Jews, or their religion. They had to figure out a way to solidify or bring together their empires. So they constructed a pseudo religion that appeased gentile converts while at the same time driving away their Jewish counterparts (which held the keys to the Faith System that was centered in the Heavenly Father of Israel). This pseudo religion would take on the tenants of Israel’s belief system as well as  revise and change Israel’s Torah, Sabbath days, Holy days, and feast days. This pseudo religion would eventually  intersperse Israel’s belief system with pagan gods, pagan days , pagan holidays and pagan worship. This pseudo religion would take Mary the mother of Yahshua and make her the object of worship (to identify Her with the pagan “Queen Mother of Heaven”). This pseudo religion would then replace the name Yahshua with the name Iesous a pagan sun god. Finally this pseudo religion would replace the Name of Israel’s Heavenly Father (YAHWEH) with pagan titles such as Lord (Baal) - God (El) - and Jehovah. Every inference of the importance of Judaism, their doctrinal views, translations, transliterations, and interpretations were stripped from Scripture.

The person that Christian leaders refers too and teach about is not a false Mashiach, but the name that they are using (Jesus) is a false Name.

The name “Jesus” DOES NOT appear in any Authentic documents of scripture.

The Name of the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world IS NOT "Jesus".

Jesus is a cultural interpretation if the Latin name Iesus. Iesus is a cultural interpretation of the Greek name Iesous. Iesous is a cultural interpretation of Yesua which is a concealment for the name Yahshua.

When the Savior walked upon the earth He was known by His Hebrew name which is ‘YAHSHUA”. The name jesus is not Hebrew (IT IS GREEK).

The name jesus evolved from the Latin/Roman name Iesus, which came from the Greek name Iesous, which was derived from the Geek god Ieso (a healing god).

The name jesus is a Greek name that Israel would never use during the time in history that the Savior walked upon the earth. Israel despised the Greeks during this time in history because the Greeks in earlier history had desecrated the Temple of Israel under the Greek Rule of Antiochus Ephiphenes IV.

Jesus do not mean “Savior” (the Greek word the savior is “SOTER”). He is not called JeSoter because the coverup would be easily identified. Satan is a deceiver.

The letter “Z” in the Greek alphabet was camouflaged and written backwards making it an “S” therefore Jesus = JEZUZ OR in Latin JEZUZ.

The name Jesus is a concealment for the name ZEUS.

In Latin the name IESUS is comprised of two words: IE or Ye = Hail, and SUS or ZUZ = Zeus which means HAIL ZEUS.

In Greek the name IESOUS is comprised of two words: IE or Ye = Healing ans SOUS = Zeus which means HEALING ZEUS.



(1) Hindu word for the Sun (2) Krisna, Chrisma, Chrishna, and Christos are all variations of the Hindu solar “sun god” and means: Anointed  “sun god” who is the savior! (3) Krishna is an anointed solar sun god who was incarnation of the sun god Vishnu 


Greek Pagan title meaning: Lord



(1) It is a title NOT a name (2) Taken from the Babylonian word “Baal” which means Lord (3) A title that is used by Israel, Muslims, Christians and Eastern religions.



(1) Held by Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox religions during their High Mass. (2) The form of the Monstrance is a circular window that symbolizes the SUN. It is surrounded by a silver or gold frame with rays of the SUN emitting all around the circular window. (3) Some Monstrance have the letters SFS on the sunburst blaze. The letter SFS is a universal symbol for the number 6, so it laterally reads numerically 666 (could this be the Mark of the false anointed one). (4) The symbol of a pagan SUN deity.

MOSLEM (Religion)

(1) Established in the eighth century CE/AD. (2) Founder was Mohammed was taught by Arab Jews.


(1) Satan’s counterfeit of Mount Sinai (2) Olympus means: “THE MOUNTAIN OF ZEUS".



Drafted, designed and Adopted by Roman Catholic Church Father in 325 CE/AD. This is the time in messianic history that the church formally divorced itself from their Jewish roots. This was the time when Constantine (emperor of Rome) decided to make Catholicism the official religion of the Roman empire.  Constantine forbade the celebration of Passover and replaced it with Easter (an ancient Babylonian Spring Ritual that was being celebrated by the Romans. Constantine changed the Day of Rest (shabbat) on Saturday to Sunday because he was a worshiper of the Sun and hated the Jews. Constantine’s major political move was when he made a decree to stop the persecution of Christian’s. This move brought the Christian community into his camp. By doing this Constantine opened the door for NON JEWISH messianic believers to fall into the trap of Satan himself. Catholicism then began to introduce other doctrines of error that where designed to further separate non - Jewish messianic believers from the Jewish counterparts. The Jewish Torah and Tanach was replaced with the culturalized Septuagint version of Hebrew scripture. The Feast of Yahweh were replaced by Feast and Holidays of the Pagan worship such as: Christmas, Easter, Halloween. The Name of the Heavenly Father of Israel (Yahweh) was replaced by Greek - Latin - Roman - English - non - Jewish, Pagan names and titles such as: Lord - God - Sovereign - Jehovah. The Name of the Heavenly Father’s son Yahshua was replaced by the non-Hebrew name of  Jesus.

The fruit of the Nicene Creed along with anti Semitism of early church Father’s lead to many mishaps that came upon not only Messianic Jewish believers but on Israel or Jews in general.  The Christian Crusades, The expulsion of Jews from England, the inquisition of Jews in Span and Portugal, The Pogroms in Russia, and finally the Holocaust in Germany and Europe all came out from the doctrines of Anti Semitism that were  lead by Anti Semitic church fathers Justin Martyr, - Eusebius, - Iranius, - Origen, - Augustine, and others all of which had influence in adopting the Nicene Creed.


(1) Evil ruler of city of Babel (2) Evil ruler that constructed the Tower of Babel (3) Originator of the Mysterious Religion of the Babylonians (4) His mother was worshiped as Queen Semiramis, (the mother goddess) (5) The different names of Nimrod in other cultures is: Tammuz and Semiramis



Greek hero god of the Trojan War


Leader within the Christian Church that was Gnostic indoctrinated



(1) Daughter of Zeus & Demeter (2) Wife of Hades 


Worshipers of many different gods and goddesses


(1) Brother of Zesu; god of the seas and earthquakes (2) Romans called him “Jupiter” (3) Asiatic Indo / Europeans called him “Dyaus pita” (the ruler of the atmosphere)






A doctrine introduced into the church by Justin Martyr around 150 AD/CE. This doctrine declared that “THE CHURCH HAD REPLACED ISRAEL IN THE PURPOSES OF GOD and THE CHURCH THEREFORE WAS TO BE KNOWN AS THE NEW ISRAEL (this doctrine was embraced and continued by other church fathers such as: Ignitus, Origen, Augustine, Martin Luther, and Calvin)

A doctrine that teaches the church REPLACED the Jews as “the chosen people of Yahweh”.



Mother of Nimrod

Known as the Mother goddess

Known as the Queen of Heaven

Known as the “Wife of Baal”

Known as Ishtar (pronounced “Easter”

Known in other cultures as: Eostre, Astarte, Ostera, Eastre

Known in other cultures as Ashtaroth or Ashtoreth

Worshiped as the goddess of fertility

Worshiped as the goddess of spring, sexual love and birth

Worshiped as a mediator between god and man (type of Catholic Mary)

Sexual orgies and temple prostitutes were often used in her worship


Was translated in Alexandra, Egypt

Some portions of the Septuagint version is Hellenized

One major problem that the copyist of Hebrew scripture did was that they removed, replaced, and; or substituted the Authentic Hebrew Name of YHWH (pronounced: YAHWEH

Without the permission of Yahweh, the Copyist of Authentic Hebrew scripture substituted the name of Yahweh with pagan identifiers such as: Baal, Kurios (Babylonian and greek titles, which mean Lord), El, Theo’s, Dios (Babylonian and Greek titles, which mean God), Yehovah / Jehovah (which has no meaning in any language), Jesus (which is a hybrid, pagan cultural name), Iesus (Latin pagan name), Iesous (Greek pagan name)

Translated version of Hebrew scripture (the words version and revision means that certain things were changed to make it more appealing to non Israel cultures. In doing so, the copyist add and/or took away from the Original / Authentic Hebrew scripture. This act violated Hebrew scripture because it says “Do not ADD or TAKE AWAY from the world of Yahweh)

Some say the It was written for Greek Speaking Jews but Josephus says the it was written because the King of Egypt commanded it to be done. In order that he might have a copy of the Jews’ greatest literature.

Copyist simply dropped the Hebrew terminology that referred to The Hebrew deity and substituted His Name with the Deity of the Greeks, (Zeus). Thus many names revealed the deity of Zeus in them (Eliakim became AlcimUS, Elisha became EliSEUS, and Yahshua became JeSUS). The suffix’s “US, SEUS, SUS” are all coded for the name ZEUS


Is a Greek word that means: Deliverer, Savior, God and Christos


A worship day of the Sun, instituted by Constantine (a sun worshiper) that illegally replaced Yom Shabbat (the seventh day of Yahweh) with the unscriptural VENERABLE DAY OF THE SUN

Constantine changed the Day of Rest (shabbat) on Saturday to Sunday in 321 CE/AD because he was a worshiper of the Sun and hated the Jews

Is not “Yahweh’s Set Apart Day”. The day that Yahweh has Set Apart for His people to meet with Him as His Saturday (Shabbat), which is the day that Believers Must keep their appointment with Him (Yahweh).



TAMMUZ was the returning SUN GOD that was also known as the ICHTHUS or FISH

Also known as  BACCHUS a pagan Sun - god

The birthday of Tammuz is DECEMBER 25


A pyramid shaped structure (ziggurat) that the Babylonians built in defiance of Yahweh in the city of Babel.  






A pagan deity

An incarnation of Krishna the sun god

Son of Krishna (the sun god of the Hindus), and is worshiped as the anointed one

Second member of the Hindu deities family

He arose from the region below and encompasses the earth

Afterwards He raises and encompasses the atmosphere

He then ascends to the Highest point in heaven









The letters  Yeshu stood for the sentence, “May his name be blotted out”(from the scroll of life). Yeshu is the real root of the form “JESUS”, after going through Greek, then Latin. Yeshu is a rabbinic word-play, from three original Hebrew words: YE= Yemach - SH = Shmo - and U = U’Zikro


Both are Jewish concealment's for the name YAHSHUA.

Yeshua is from the acronym “YESHU” which is a mutilation of Yahshua’s Name. Yeshua was used by unbelieving Yahudim (Jews) during the late 1st and 2nd century CE.

The letters Yeshu stood for the sentence, “May his name be blotted out”(from the scroll of life).

Yeshu is the real root of the form “JESUS”, after going through Greek, then Latin.

Yeshu is a rabbinic word-play, from three original Hebrew words: YE= Yemach - SH = Shmo - and U = U’Zikro (which means: “May his name be blotted out.

Ye is used as a replacement for YAH.



Copyist of the Septuagint simply dropped the Hebrew terminology that referred to The Yahweh and substituted His Name with the Deity of the Greeks, (Zeus). Thus many names revealed the deity of Zeus in them (Eliakim became AlcimUS, Elisha became EliSEUS, and Yahshua became JeSUS). The suffix’s “US, SEUS, SUS” are all coded for the name ZEUS.

It is known that the Greek name endings with SUS, SEUS, and SOUS (which are phonetic pronunciations for the chief Greek god of Olympus = Zeus) were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honor to their supreme deity, Zeus. (Professor J.C.J. Metford).

The king of the gods,

Zeus is pronounced “SOUS” or “SOOCE” in Greek.

Was known as and called in Greek  “Zeus the Savior”.

The Olympic’s originated in his honor.

The god of the heavens, weather, fate, and kings.

His weapon was the fiery thunderbolt.

The father of the gods.

The sky god.

The sons of Zeus had various Latin names: Iesus, Iasus, Iasion, Iasius.

The sons of Zeus had various Greek names: Iaso, Ieso, Iesous, Iasis.

Primary source of prophetic power.

After defeating the Titans, he won dominion of the world and divided it (the world) with his brothers (Poseidon obtained the sea, Hades received the underworld, Zeus kept the shy and the earth was held as COMMON PROPERTY).

Known as the supreme ruler, the most powerful among the immortals, and the protector of regal power.

Known as the authoritative power as king, queen or any form of government.

Known as the custodian of law.

Known as the guardian of mortality.

Replaced, changed, removed, substituted the Name of Yahweh and His Son Yahshua from the Torah, Tanach, Word of Yahweh through cultural interpretation of His word.

The Greeks considered Zeus as the Deliverer and Savior in their religion.

The Greeks believed that Zeus was their SOTER (savior), SOTERIA (rescuer, safety) SOZO (healer, health), SOTERION (defender, salvation) and their KURIOS (lord) in every aspect of their lives.

Known as Deus in Latin.

Known as Dio in Italian.

Known as Dios in Spanish.

Known as Dayus in Sanskrit.