Camel - Carries - Throat - Foot - Pride - To lift up - To arise - Ascend - To nourish - To feed - The birth canal - A conduit - That which transmits / transports - All ideas derived from within the house - The transportation systems of the body - To give Tzedakah.
Extended meaning:
Carrier of actions - Ruach carrying our burdens through the wilderness - The conduit of YAHWEH to give gifts to His people in order that they may reflect His image.
Numeric value:
3 - 30 - 300 - 3000 which relates to Covenants. YAHshua arose from the dead on the third day - YAHshua was 33 years old when He died [the first and second three represents the 1st and 2nd covenants] - There were 3,000 jews saved at the feast of Shavuot that came into the new covenant.
Gimel is comprised of the letter “Waw" (upright person) and the letter “Yod” at the base which represents a “foot in motion”
Gimel symbolizes a rich man running after a poor man (which is represented in the presiding letter of Dalet), to give him tzedakah.
Gimel is “GADOL” (big - high - great) and “GIBOR” (mighty) because it is continually running after or towards the person or thing in need, striving to complete the work.
Gimel as a camel symbolizes the entity that carries a traveler with his goods from one place to another
Door (amidst fire) - Lid - To receive - To enter - Pathways - Nose - Gates - Entrances / Exits - Access / openings to pass - Secret chamber - base of the brain / mind - Refuge - Means of acquisition - Revelation - Access to breath from above - Access to YAHWEH’S Spirit (YAH-RUACH) - Door of separation / division - Sign of Shabbat as the door of Set Apart-ness and Rest - Hang.
Extended meaning:
Security - Refuge.
Numeric value:
4 - 40 - 400 - 4000 which points to the work of YAHWEH’S salvation (it rained for 40 days and 40 nights - Moses was 40 when he was called to save Yisrael - Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai and then brought down the two tablets written on both sides by YAHWEH - Yitsaq was 40 years old when he married Rebecca - YAHshua fasted for 40 days and 40 nights when tempted in the wilderness) - There are 4 cups drank during the PeSaCH seder, (the festival of salvation),
The Dalet symbolizes the poor man, that receives Tzedakah from the rich man.
The Dalet is the Door that stands in the opening of the Bet (house)
Why does the roof of the Dalet extend backwards a little to the right (going in the direction of the Gimel? Because the poor man (Dalet) must make himself available to the rich man (Gimel), the one who is providing Tzedakah.
Why is the face of the poor man (Dalet) turned away from the rich man (Gimel)? Because the Tzedakah of the rich man (Gimel) must be given to the poor man (Dalet) in secret.
The image of Dalet is a gate and entrance as well as an exit
Spiritually Dalet is the gate or entrance to the inner Light - Knowledge (Daat) and Wisdom (ChokmaH) of the Spirit of YAHWEH